
sto store

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sto store为短语/超纲词汇
1. Bees store honey in honeycombs inside hives.

2. By 2084, if we can store a dead body in a cold refrigerator room soon enough, lots of people who now would die may not.

3. Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothpaste and soap?

4. Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothbrush and soap?

5. When a thief was caught on the premises of a large jewellery store one morning,

6. The store sent us a new catalog of its merchandise.

7. The proprietor of the store was formerly a farmer.

8. They sell everything at a reduction of 10 percent at the store.

9. The shopkeeper gave his store a final checkup before closing for the night.

10. That candy store uses fancy tape to tie all packages.
